MML - My Mall Limassol
MML stands for My Mall Limassol
Here you will find, what does MML stand for in Business under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate My Mall Limassol? My Mall Limassol can be abbreviated as MML What does MML stand for? MML stands for My Mall Limassol. What does My Mall Limassol mean?The Business company falls under retail category and is located in Cyprus.
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Alternative definitions of MML
- Marshall, Minnesota USA
- Michigan Municipal League
- Mote Marine Laboratory
- Mote Marine Laboratory
- Mega Man Legends
- Mopar Mailing List
- Master Muscle List
- Master Muscle List
View 211 other definitions of MML on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- MML Multilink Management Ltd
- MMEA Minnesota Music Educators Association
- MAN Municipality of Agios Nikolaos
- M2PL M2 Properties LLC
- MLM Mode Lifestyle Magazine
- MOEHC MOE Hamdan Consulting
- MSA Metrobus S. A.
- MLO My Lender Oy
- MPG Munro Property Group
- MMAP Mike Miller Auto Park
- MCC Magic Carpet Cleaning
- MPTC Manker Patten Tennis Club
- MTRI Machine Tool Research Inc
- MPG Modern Painting Group
- MPL Marina Physio Ltd
- MCLWSEI MCL Waste Systems and Environmental Inc.
- MVCA Multiphone Venezuela C.A.
- MC Masters of Ceremony
- MNGA Missouri National Guard Association